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March 4, 2016

A common condition that isn't always classified with neurological sectors is the Migraine. Migraines can be extremely debilitating, often associated with throbbing, pain sensations along with auras. Many of these auras are associated with visual changes and occur shortly before the Migraine, indicating that it's on the way. 

Many of these people experience:


-Pain and throbbing on one side of their head (although patients often complain of symptoms on both sides)

-Sensitivity to light and noise, often requiring a dark room for rest

Migraines are caused by central neurological changes that alter the frequency of firing, or discharging of cells within the nervous system that create autonomic changes with blood vessels causing abnormal constriction and dilation, consistent with the throbbing sensation felt. This can relate to areas within the vestibular system, brain stem and cortex and is why Migraines are often connected with stress, dehydration, abnormal blood sugar levels, smells, food, light and busy environments as they all require a normal functioning brain. 

However, when these signals are crossed, or abnormal patterns exist within the normal communication of the brain, we often see migraines as a result. Migraines have many variants associated, often presenting as ocular migraines, occipital migraines, vestibular migraines, abdominal migraines, et cetera. 

Treatment for migraines includes a very thorough workup with neurological and structural testing to determine the cause(s) of the Migraine. Portland Chiropractic Neurology utilizes sensitive computerized neurological testing known as videonystagmography, computerized posturography systems and bedside neurological and physical examination procedures. Treatment often consists of Chiropractic care to reduce structural components, Physical Therapy to improve soft tissue associated issues and Neuroplasticity rehabilitation to restore normal brain signaling that is often in the form of specific eye exercises that are representative of the brain dysfunction occurring that are disrupting the normal signaling processes. 

1) Neuroplasticity rehabilitation- Extraocular retraining for the brain

2) Electrical Muscle Stimulation

3) Cold Laser Therapy

4) Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

5) Active Release to muscle groups

6) Percussor therapy to muscle groups

7) Cervical Decompression