What causes Vertigo, Imbalance and Dizziness?

April 11, 2015

The answer is both extremely complicated and simple at the same time. How does that occur? Well, In order to understand simplicity, you must first understand complexity. That is the case with Vertigo, Imbalance (spatial disorientation) and Dizziness. They are so common within our population that it is unnerving (no pun intended), yet with advancements in...

Post Concussion Syndrome : Why isn't my brain working?

February 9, 2015

Post Concussion Syndrome is a more recent diagnosis that has allowed us to describe multiple symptoms wrapped up into one unfortunate bouquet that consists of: Dizziness, Vertigo, Imbalance, Headaches, Migraines, Neck Pain, Confusion, Irritability, Slower Processing, Word Retrieval and Memory Issues. These are to name a few and are a result of mild...

Why Chiropractic Neurology is your answer for Cluster Headaches

November 13, 2014

Cluster Headaches are known as a neurovascular headache (which most headaches truly are if you understand neurology). They also go by Histamine headaches. These headaches are extremely debilitating, affecting one side of the head/face, particularly in and around the orbit, or eye. These headaches can be so bad that people often have thoughts of suicide....
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